Why we worship

Why do we meet together to worship, on-line, in-person or through the written word? We believe in a God in three forms, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a God of love and relationship, love of self balanced with love for and from others. We meet together to worship to be thankful for the good things in life and to acknowledge and say sorry for the times we have said or done bad things. We meet to think about what is going on locally and globally and how we should respond individually and collectively. We meet to sing together, some because they like the words, some because of the catchy tune, some because they enjoy taking part in or just listening to everyone singing together. We meet to hear again familiar Bible stories and discover new meaning in them, or to discover stories which are new to us. We come to talk to God, individually and collectively and to listen. One important thing that the Covid crisis has taught us is that we meet because we like meeting other like minded people as well as those with differing opinions, talking with them, socialising with them over a cup of something and a biscuit or a piece of cake, in person ideally, or via a screen or the phone when circumstances dictate. In a nutshell we meet together because we can do many things better as a group than when we are alone, in isolation. Feel free to come and join us one Sunday, in person, on-line or by worship sheet, whichever format you feel most comfortable with.

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